
Flash cards are very basic study material to get to the point information. Most of the students use flash cards to study, but using them effectively can bring charms. The choice of making flash cards is very personal, someone would like them, or someone would not like making them.

How to make:

  1. Choose the most important formulas/tricks you get from each topic you study or from the classes you attend.
  2. Do not use others (book’s/teacher’s) phrases. Use your own words!
  3. Use different colours for different parts(SC, CR, PS..) or just label them at the top corner.

I personally believe that making flash cards on your own (writing on paper and then using them) is a better way to study then making it on a computer or smartphone. We can forget what we type, but not what we write. There are many softwares available in the market to create flash cards. You can use any one according to your requirement, but as the time is precious and there are many options available to play with, better to save a minute and put something related to GMAT in brain, which would help in near future.

How to practice:

  1. Individual: You can carry your cards anywhere, to office, to market… and you can study whenever you want to. Just take’em out and start the game.
  2. Group: You can distribute the cards within your group and then ask each other questions. This would make learning better.
  3. You can also put these cards at different places at your home, so that whenever you reach that place, you can answer and get the result.

There are many more ways to create cards and study. If you do not want to make some cards by yourself, you can use flashcards by Manhattan Prep or Beat the gmat flash cards available for iPhone. You might not get the flexibility of modifying them as you could have in hand made cards, but practicing them is very helpful. Another option is to copy the flash cards made by other users on different sites, but be sure about the correctness of those cards.

Now pickup the blank cards and start making flash memories! Be awesome to the world. 🙂

“In the end, it doesn’t matter that everything’s in pieces. It’s how you carry them.”
– Garret Freymann-Weyr

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