Back to the study table. Starting with 640!

Hey, Last week I started a few new things in my life. That includes shifting from daily targets to weekly targets, 45 minutes of exercise including 15 minutes of yoga, making flash cards instead of notes. I am experimenting with my lifestyle & studies, and these changes are really helping me out.  I have also made a few tweet collections, which I made to study them like flash cards.

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Twitter is the new way of Collections.

This week went in reviewing all the topics that I have covered in my previous study session. I reviewed all the notes that I have made and started reviewing the Quant topics. Continue reading

An overview of my journey till now! from 540 to 720. Still Counting.

This an overview of my journey till now!
I started bloging in August last year. I had a nice list before getting started for GMAT studies.

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To get back what I lost

A few days before I contacted GrantMeAdmission after reading his post and asked him that how he motivated himself to get back to work and his awesome reply forced me to go back to my study table and gather all the knowledge that I left there a few months before. I would like to put some points here from the mail. Continue reading


Flash cards are very basic study material to get to the point information. Most of the students use flash cards to study, but using them effectively can bring charms. The choice of making flash cards is very personal, someone would like them, or someone would not like making them. Continue reading