To get back what I lost

A few days before I contacted GrantMeAdmission after reading his post and asked him that how he motivated himself to get back to work and his awesome reply forced me to go back to my study table and gather all the knowledge that I left there a few months before. I would like to put some points here from the mail. Continue reading

What to accomplish in 2015

So we are already a week ahead of our New Year eve. I am seeing a very few blogs from my friends who got admitted in Round 1, I think they are still in Hangover!! Well, it is the time to be in hangover, but for how long? You people need to start packing soon. 😛 Continue reading

They won it!

Its been a busy month for all, since few of my friends got admitted who were waiting eagerly for the admissions decision and few are still fighting for the gmat (this group includes me as well).

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Change in the Game Plan

Hi Guys,  Its been a while since  I’ve posted my last blog. Yes, I was super busy with official work as well as some mind-blowing results of my practice tests and others. But, now it feels great after putting my thoughts again on the screen with my hands on my keyboard. A lot of things happened in the last week: I scored another mind-blowing score (yes, it blew my mind after the final screen), joined the ISB admissions info-session in my city and tried to be creative with my resume.

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Productive Me: The Morning Mantra

An individual’s success depends upon his/her ability to be productive. Being productive means not to devote your maximum time to the task, but to get most out of your time that was spent on the task. It may be a day, an hour, a minute or a moment. Most of the creative people doesn’t spend 10s of hours on a thing and get the idea, but they generate the idea when they are most productive during the day, that is directly proportional to their success. The same funda is applied not only to creative people but to each and every one of us. Everyone had the best time once in their lifetime when they were most productive and got most out of their time they spent on something. From last few weeks, I am also trying to figure out the best time to study for me.

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